From Goods to Services: The Rise of Service-Dominant Logic
This article provides a summary of three research papers that cover topics such as marketing with integrity, the...
Six ways marketers can leverage Clubhouse ?
The Clubhouse, a social app is an invite-only, audio-only social media platform that allows people to host live audio...
Digital marketing for banks
Due to Bank's rigid nature and multiple levels in the management hierarchy, it’s often seen banks are slow towards...
Sustainable Marketing and its Importance
Ethics and Marketing are two words that must go hand-in-hand in today’s world. Marketers are often criticized for...
Quick insight on digital marketing?
Digital Marketing is the idea of promoting your business online on the internet. This is why it is also referred to as...
What are services?
“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it...