Giving back to the community

Message to the world

The act of giving back to the world can take many forms, such as volunteering at a local charity, making a donation to a non-profit organization, or simply helping a neighbour in need. It can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment by allowing individuals to contribute to something greater than themselves and make a positive impact on the world. When we help others, it can release dopamine in the brain, which can create a sense of joy and happiness.

Giving back brings people together and creates a sense of belonging, which can be especially important in today’s world where people often feel disconnected and isolated.

Small acts of kindness can create big ripples of change in the community ~Bishal


donating some blankets to Nepal's earth quake victims

Campaign Name:  Medical and Relief program at the Earthquake Epicenter

Type: CSR

 Dolkha, Nepal

My Role: Team leader and volunteer in relief distribution

Imagine the ground beneath your feet cracking open, with sand and debris spilling out from every crevice. Houses crumble before your eyes, leaving families homeless and devastated. In Malu village, nestled in the heart of the Dolkha district, this is the harsh reality that the locals face every day. But hope arrived in the form of a group of dedicated individuals who refused to let distance or difficulty stand in their way. They ventured nearly 200 kilometers from Kathmandu to reach the isolated village, where they witnessed the resilience and strength of the community firsthand. Despite the pain and tears in their eyes, the locals worked tirelessly to build temporary shelters with the only materials they had: bamboo, stone, and mud. In the midst of the rubble and destruction, the Golmeshwor Temple stood as a symbol of the community’s pride and determination. With every brick laid and every hand extended in kindness, Nepal took another step forward in its journey of recovery.

Campaign Name: Blood Donation

Date: April 2015

My Role: Event Coordinator

Description: Blood is meant to circulate. Pass it around. Ten minutes of your time + 450 ml. of your blood = One life saved.

Campaign name: Free Gynae Health Camp for Women

Type: CSR

Association with: Ichanku Narayan Nagarjun Municipality, Gynae Disease Consumer Community, Chirayu National Hospital and Image Channel. Venue was provided by the Reed Model School

My Role: Organizing Committee and volunteer in the camp

As a member of the organizing committee and a volunteer, I witnessed over 100 women receive vital medical care and services at no cost. They were able to undergo PAP SMEAR and breast screening tests, blood sugar and urine routine tests, ECGs, consultations, and received free medicine. Our efforts aimed to provide access to healthcare for those in need and improve their overall well-being.

Campaign Name: Unite to End TB 

Type: Awareness

My Role: Campaign coordinator and active executing member

Description: Chirayu Hospital rallied against tuberculosis on World Tuberculosis Day (March 24th) with an impactful awareness program. The event was graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including the honourable ex-prime minister Shree Kheel Raj Regmi, Dr. Ram Chandra Adhikari (Chairman of World Hindu Federation), and Mr. Jyoti Baniya (President of Protection of Consumer Rights-Nepal). The Walkathon was a rewarding and fruitful experience thanks to the enthusiastic participation of individuals, corporates, INGOs, NGOs, media, and students who made it a huge success. The media covered the event extensively as we strive to END TB together.

Campaign Name: Joggers Camp 

Association with: Community Police

Type: CSR

My role: Campaign coordinator and Volunteer in the camp

Description: Chirayu National Hospital, in partnership with the Community Police, organized a CSR event called “Joggers Camp” at Nandi Keshar Park in Narayan Chaur, Kathmandu, Nepal. As the campaign coordinator and volunteer for the event, I was proud to see over 300-morning walkers and yoga enthusiasts benefit from the camp, which began at 5 A.M. It was a great success and we were happy to promote healthy lifestyles in our community.

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Campaign Name: Emergency Medicine: Trauma and Disaster Management

Type: Continuing Medical Education (CME)

My role: Organizing Committee 

Description: BE PREPARED! BE AWARE!! BE READY !!! with this motto, Chirayu National Hospital organized a one-day program titled “Emergency Medicine: Trauma and Disaster Management” aimed at preparing individuals to handle emergencies effectively. The program featured renowned resource persons Dr. Rachel from New Zealand and Dr. Harveen from the USA. Thanks to their expertise and guidance, participants were equipped with valuable knowledge and skills to handle unexpected situations.

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Campaign Name: Relief Distribution to Earthquake Victims

Type: CSR

My role: Volunteer in the distribution

Description:  We distributed 2500 blankets to those in need, with support from our partners in India.

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Campaign Name: General health check-up, Dental and Blood Donation Camp 

Type: CSR

My role: Organizing committee as well as volunteer in the camp


We have been undertaking a special initiative of organizing Medical Camps to provide immediate health care needs to society through standalone camps. These camps are conducted with the aim of offering comprehensive health services including curative, preventive, promotive, and referral to a large number of people in selected intervention areas across the country.

Through these medical camps, the hospital reaches out to various communities and provides healthcare services to those who are in need, especially in remote and underprivileged areas. The healthcare services offered include general check-ups, consultations with doctors, diagnostic tests, free medication, and referrals to the hospital for further treatment if needed.

These medical camps are tailored to meet the specific healthcare needs of the communities they serve. For example, the camp may be focused on women’s health, child health, or addressing a specific disease or health condition prevalent in the area. The medical team consists of trained and experienced doctors, nurses, and support staff who work together to provide the best possible care to the patients.

working at the hospital I was committed to providing accessible and affordable healthcare to all, and these medical camps are a testament to that commitment. Through these camps, the hospital is able to extend its services beyond its physical location and reach out to those who are in need of medical assistance but may not have access to it due to various reasons.

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